News story: Exmouth residents invited to tidal defence scheme drop-in event

Exmouth residents will have a chance to learn more about the benefits of the Environment Agency’s £12 million tidal defence scheme at a drop-in event next week.

The event is being held on Wednesday 5 September at Ocean on Queens Drive, EX8 2AY between 11am and 8pm.

Rob Butler, project manager for the Environment Agency, said:

We have listened to feedback from the consultation events held in 2015 and 2016. We have designed a scheme that reduces tidal flood risk for many in Exmouth from a 4% chance to 0.5% chance in any given year.

This public exhibition is a great opportunity to come and see the plans we have developed and discuss them with the project team.

The Environment Agency is working in partnership with East Devon District Council to deliver this important scheme.

Councillor Tom Wright, East Devon’s portfolio holder for the environment, said:

East Devon District Council is totally committed to working with our partners, the Environment Agency and Devon County Council, to ensure the future flood defences for Exmouth.

This is demonstrated in the urgent works we will be starting next month to reinforce the sea wall near Mamhead slipway. I urge all Exmouth residents to visit the exhibition.

The scheme is being designed and will be built by civil engineering contractor Team Van Oord. It will include:

  • Flood embankments and walls between the Withycombe Brook and Imperial recreation ground.
  • Raised defences between the Imperial recreation ground and Camperdown Terrace.
  • Strengthening the existing seawall, improving drainage for water to drain back out to sea, flood gates and new set-back defences along the landward side of the Esplanade.

Following the public exhibition a planning application will be submitted to East Devon District Council, the local planning authority, in late September. If permission is granted construction will begin early in 2019 and should be complete by 2021.

National Statistics: Monthly sea fisheries statistics June 2018

The monthly landings statistics will be released at 9.30am on the 4th Friday of each month, or the next working day if this is a bank holiday.

Statistical data set: Monthly sea fisheries statistics June 2018

The monthly landings statistics will be released at 9.30am on the 4th Friday of each month, or the next working day if this is a bank holiday.

Deep impact

Scotland’s Rural College has been recognised for the global impact of its dairy research by a leading scientific journal.

SEPA stresses importance of checking staff ID

date24 August 2018

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is reminding people in Perthshire, Clackmannanshire and Stirling of the importance of checking staff credentials, after a homeowner in Greenloaning was visited by a man impersonating a SEPA officer.

They were visited on Saturday 17 August by an individual who told them he was from SEPA. He wanted to inspect trees on their property to see if work, which they would have to pay for, was required. They refused his request and informed SEPA.

SEPA’s Chief Executive, Terry A’Hearn, said:

“We understand that this was a worrying incident for those involved and have reported the matter to Police Scotland. SEPA officers do not carry out work on people’s property, and if anyone else has a similar experience I encourage them to contact the Police straight away.”

“All SEPA staff carry appropriate photographic identification and should always show it to you. If you are approached by someone claiming to be from SEPA ask to see their ID, especially if you don’t recognise them.

“Anyone with any concerns, can always call SEPA’s 24 hour Contact Centre on 03000 99 66 99 to check out the details of any officers visiting them.”
