There’s No Place Like Home
The Scottish Home Pony will return to the Scottish National Equestrian Centre in West Lothian in 2019 and 2020.
The Scottish Home Pony will return to the Scottish National Equestrian Centre in West Lothian in 2019 and 2020.
This is an annual publication which reports on the numbers of bags dispensed in Northern Ireland in the financial year 2017/18. The figures relate to the number of bags dispensed by retailers in Northern Ireland in the year 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 as notified to the Department by 30 June 2018.
Farmers, growers, processors and industry representatives are being asked for their views from today (31 August) on the role of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
The AHDB is a UK statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. As we leave the EU, there is an opportunity to ensure that the sectors that the AHDB covers are as competitive as possible. This review will look at the AHDB’s purpose and priorities, its strengths and where improvements need to be made.
This is a joint 10-week exercise covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The request for views will close on 9 November.
Farming Minister George Eustice said:
At a time when we are designing a new agriculture policy from first principles, now is also a good time to review the role and function of this agricultural and horticultural levy body.
The AHDB collects around £60 million a year in statutory levy from farmers and growers and currently uses that money for a range of purposes to support these sectors.
This request for views is an opportunity for levy payers to have their say about the role and function of the various components of the AHDB in the future.
Jane King, Chief Executive Officer of the AHDB, said:
We welcome this opportunity to gain feedback from farmers and growers, and to help the industry compete in a global marketplace as the country prepares to leave the EU.
We’d encourage views to shape where we can have the biggest impact and drive value as an independent, evidence-based organisation, which carries out marketing at home and abroad, while sharing best practice and innovation with farmers, growers and the wider industry, at this crucial time.
To submit your views please complete the online survey by 9 November. Defra will also be running a number of workshops in the coming weeks .
We are seeking views on the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). We are particularly keen to hear from farmers, growers, and others across the UK who pay a levy to fund it.
AHDB was created ten years ago. Since then the industries it supports have changed and AHDB has become more strategic and efficient. As we leave the European Union it is a good time to consider what AHDB’s future role and activities should be.
Which services are most valued? Should levy payers continue to pay money on the same basis in future?
Rydym yn ceisio safbwyntiau ar y Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth (AHDB). Rydym yn awyddus iawn i glywed gan ffermwyr, tyfwyr, ac eraill ledled y DU sy’n talu ardoll i’w ariannu.
Sefydlwyd y Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth ddeng mlynedd yn ôl. Ers hynny, mae’r diwydiannau a gefnogir ganddo wedi newid ac mae’r Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth wedi dod yn fwy strategol ac effeithlon. Wrth i ni adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd mae’n amser da ystyried beth ddylai rôl a gweithgareddau’r Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth fod yn y dyfodol.
Pa wasanaethau a werthfawrogir fwyaf? A ddylai talwyr yr ardoll barhau i dalu arian ar yr un sail yn y dyfodol?
31 August 2018
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has announced its next steps to stem the plastic tide by confirming it will end exemptions for burning most types of agricultural waste from 1 January 2019.
Whilst a change in Scotland’s environmental regulations in 2013 meant farmers could continue burning plastics only under an exemption, the agency is moving to reduce the environmental impacts of farm waste.
The move, which will affect silage wrap, crop covers, fertiliser bags and containers, follows extensive engagement between SEPA and Zero Waste Scotland. SEPA has also worked closely with NFU Scotland to roll out the change which will feature ongoing dialogue with farmers and crofters over the coming months.
Ending the exemption will not only align with the legal requirement for all Scottish businesses to present plastics and other items separately for collection, but will help boost the Scottish market for recycled plastics.
SEPA’s Gary Walker, Waste and Landfill Tax Manager, and Stephen Field, Land Unit Manager, and NFU Scotland Vice President Martin Kennedy and Director of Policy Jonathan Hall today (Friday 31 August) visited RPC bpi recycled products in Dumfries, one of the largest polythene film recyclers in Europe, which will help farmers as they join the global challenge to reduce their plastic usage.
The company has the scope and expertise to recycle up to 120,000 tonnes of plastic each year across Europe with plastics, including silage wrap and fertiliser bags, being recycled into refuse sacks and Plaswood lumber, made from 100% recycled plastic. Plaswood can then be fabricated into products such as boardwalks, fencing, gates and garden furniture as part of a circular economy.
SEPA, NFU Scotland and Zero Waste Scotland have developed a simple set of resources for Scottish farmers, including a list of Scottish recyclers who stand ready to help farmers get plastic waste sorted. Further information is available from
Speaking at RPC bpi recycled products’ site in Dumfries, SEPA’s Gary Walker, said:
Every day SEPA works to protect and enhance Scotland’s environment and ending the exemption for burning farm plastics is an important next step in stemming the plastic tide by reducing the environmental impacts of farm waste.
“From 1 January 2019 farmers will no longer be able to burn plastic and most types of agricultural waste and, whilst many farmers have been recycling this type of waste for years, it is important that all farmers take steps now to ensure they are ready. By recycling farmers are once more doing their bit for the environment, supporting their local community and helping ensure that plastic materials are kept in use for as long as possible by maximising the value that can be extracted from them.
“Working with our partners a simple set of resources has been developed for Scottish farmers which will help them to get their plastic waste sorted. We will continue to work with farmers over the coming months as we move towards 1 January and SEPA officers are always here to help if farmers have any questions.”
Mike Baxter, External Affairs Director for RPC bpi recycled products said:
We are absolutely delighted to be a partner in this joint stakeholder initiative. By increasing collection rates of farm plastics there are huge benefits for the environment and the Scottish Circular Economy. We have recycled used farm plastic films at our Dumfries factory since 1996. The plastic pellets we produce from our recycling process are used to manufacture second life products – such as Plaswood plastic lumber and furniture, refuse sacks used by Scottish NHS and at RPC bpi indupac, located in Ardeer, we manufacture heavy duty agricultural plastic films.”
NFU Scotland Vice President Martin Kennedy said:
Recognising that the spotlight is focussed on plastics, it is incumbent on all stakeholders that we help farmers and crofters do the right thing when dealing with the forthcoming ban on burning farm plastics.
“There is a short window for change but we have been working closely with SEPA and Zero Waste Scotland on clear messages and practical measures that farmers can follow. That involves meaningful, simple guidance on what can and can’t be done; what is and what isn’t recyclable, and what the options are for farm plastics deemed non-recyclable. We also want to ensure the collection centre network is as comprehensive as possible so those in more remote areas have realistic options to have this material disposed of properly in the future.
“Where there are gaps in information, guidance or disposal options, we will work quickly with others to fill them with solutions.”
Notes to editors
If a land manager carries their own waste off site to another site for onward recycling or disposal then they need to register for FREE with SEPA as a Professional Collector and Transporter of Waste (PCT).
Online registration is available via, and a paper form can also be downloaded from the SEPA website. This form must be completed and returned to your nearest SEPA Registry Office detailed on the form.
There is currently no fee for registration as a PCT and the registration is valid indefinitely unless it is cancelled.
If a land manger carries anybody’s waste other than their own, even if it is from another land manager, then they must be a registered waste carrier (RWC).
Online registration is available via the SEPA website and a paper form can also be downloaded from the SEPA website. This form must be completed and returned to your nearest SEPA Registry Office detailed on the form.
There is a fee payable for registration as a RWC. This is detailed in our Waste Management Fees and Charges (Scotland) Scheme available on the SEPA website on the current charging schemes page. The fee for 2018 is currently £210. Registrations are valid for three years unless revoked or cancelled.