Updated: Minor amendments to the wording on page 1 to improve the clarity of the text.
Deprivation indicator for people living in rural and urban areas based on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).
Data source: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), English Indices of Deprivation (2015), Index of Multiple Deprivation (2015)
Coverage: England
Rural classification used: Office for National Statistics Rural Urban Classification
National Statistics: Household Energy Efficiency National Statistics, headline release September 2018
his release includes measures installed under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Deal schemes. It also includes further analysis and geographical breakdowns of ECO measures, ECO delivery costs, estimated carbon and energy savings from measures installed and the supply chain. These statistics are provisional and are subject to future revisions.
News story: RWM at New Scientist Live
Over the next four days (20-23 September) at New Scientist Live (NSL) in London, scientists and engineers from Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) will be explaining how leading-edge science and technology is making the safe and secure disposal of radioactive waste possible.
RWM works to ensure that radioactive waste is safely managed and packaged today ready for permanent disposal in the future. Geological disposal, endorsed by scientists worldwide, involves placing radioactive waste in highly-engineered vaults and tunnels deep underground.
RWM will host a stand at NSL, catering to an expected audience of around 40,000+ visitors keen to learn about the latest science and technology across a variety of sectors. Visitors to RWM’s stand can take a glimpse into the future with a virtual reality journey deep underground into a highly-engineered facility in which the UK’s radioactive waste will be disposed, keeping future generations and the environment safe from harm.
RWM will bring to life the often controversial subject of radioactive waste, and how to deal with it, by showcasing robotics, models, and most importantly, providing access to the scientists and engineers whose mission it is to deliver geological disposal for the UK.
Mohammed Sammur, RWM’s Technical Director said:
NSL provides a great opportunity to bring to life the plans for the long-term safe and secure management and
disposal of radioactive waste – one of the greatest challenges facing this generation. The event will also provide us
with an opportunity to engage with an important segment of our community and listen to their views and questions on this subject.
Guidance: Managing ash in woodlands in light of ash dieback: operations note 46
Nine page summary of how to manage ash in woodlands including:
practical advice
breeding H. fraxineus-tolerant ash
chemical control methods
increasing resilience of woodlands
Notice: Seasonal workers pilot: request for information
Updated: Added the clarification document which answers the questions parties were invited to send to Defra by 28 September 2018.
We’re requesting information from any organisation interested in operating a Seasonal Workers Pilot for 2019 and 2020 by Tuesday 17 October 2018. Defra will select 2 organisations from the responses to provide final proposals to the Home Office.
This document lays out the details of the pilot, our expectations for pilot operators, and sets out how we will consider responses.
The Seasonal Workers Pilot will allow recruitment of a limited number of temporary migrants for specific seasonal roles in the horticultural sector. The pilot will be managed by the Home Office under the Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) Seasonal Worker category.
The clarification questions and answers document sets out the answers to queries received by 28 September 2018.