Jennifer Jamieson-Ball MCIPR appointed as director of communications and external affairs

We are pleased to announce that Jennifer Jamieson-Ball MCIPR has been appointed to the newly created role of director of communications and external affairs. Jennifer will be joining us on 9 July 2018.

News story: Lord Duncan learns of challenges and opportunities at Dounreay

Lord Duncan travelled to Caithness to learn more about work on Scotland’s largest nuclear clean-up and demolition project. Located in the far north of Scotland, Dounreay employs around 1,200 staff and a similar number of people through the supply chain.

From the mid-1950s, Dounreay was the UK’s centre of research into fast reactors until 1994. The experimental nature of these now-redundant facilities, poses some complex decommissioning challenges that continue to require technological innovation and excellence.

Lord Duncan visits Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR) and Dounreay
Lord Duncan visits Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR) and Dounreay

The NDA spends more than £177 million a year to decommission Dounreay. A significant part of this is spent in the local economy. NDA works in partnership, through the Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership (CNSRP), to support the local community and manage the impact of the future closure of the Dounreay nuclear site.

On learning more about the challenges and opportunities faced at the site and in the local communities, Lord Duncan said:

It was fascinating to see first-hand the decommissioning of Dounreay and meet the men and women behind the work.

I was impressed with the site’s commitment to safety, as well as the considerable investment the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Dounreay are making in the local community.

Introduction to Dounreay

News story: LLWR workforce ensures record year for fundraising

LLWR responded to its charity of the year like never before and raised a record £8,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The sum included a company donation of £2,250 and Sue McDonald, Fundraising Manager for Macmillan, Cumbria, was delighted with the total.

She said: “It has been fantastic working alongside everyone at LLWR for the last year. The enthusiasm to fundraise was awesome and everyone was keen to get involved with the many, varied activities. I was blown away to discover that the total raised for Macmillan Cancer Support was £8,000.

“This will make a real difference to the lives of local people living with cancer. I’d like to say a massive ‘thank you’ from Macmillan and from me personally, to everyone who has played a part in raising this phenomenal total.

“Big thanks also to LLWR for allowing the fundraising to happen and for the generous corporate donation. I hope everyone concerned is feeling really proud.”

Press release: UK Minister for Africa visits Angola to strengthen UK-Angola ties

On her arrival in Luanda, Minister Harriett Baldwin said:

I’m delighted to be in Angola for my first visit and I look forward to discussing with government ministers and civil society representatives how we can work closer together on issues important to the UK and Angola. This includes economic cooperation, demining, and women’s empowerment, all in support of shared prosperity.

I am also interested in how our countries can work together to combat the terrible illegal wildlife trade, following the recent Giants Club meeting in Botswana which I attended alongside Angolan representatives, and ahead of the major conference we are hosting in London this October.


Minister Harriett Baldwin is the UK’s Minister for Africa at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Minister of State at the Department for International Development. She is responsible for Africa, consular policy and international crime.

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