Notice: RG7 4PR, AWE plc: environmental permit consultation advertisement

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for Radioactive Substances Activities. The arrangements are explained in its Public Participation Statement

These notices explain:

  • what the consultation is about
  • which Environment Agency office you can visit to see the application documents on the public register
  • when you need to comment by

The Environment Agency will decide:

  • whether to grant or refuse the application
  • what conditions to include in the permit (if granted)

Corporate report: Waste Metric Dashboard September 2018

Updated: Latest Waste Metric Dashboard – for September

The National Waste Programme publishes a range of waste metrics to track progress and ensure that expected programme benefits are being delivered.

The metrics demonstrate:

  • the successful diversion of waste away from disposal to the LLW Repository
  • the optimal use of key national assets, such as the LLWR site and waste treatment facilities
  • the safety and environmental performance of the National Programme.

News story: Air Quality Information Bulletin

The following site has exceeded the EU ozone public information threshold of 180 µg/m3:

  • Bournemouth: µg/m3 – 16:00 BST

Public Health England advises that some people are more sensitive to ozone than others and may begin to notice an effect on their breathing. People with asthma are not necessarily more sensitive but, if affected, can use their ‘reliever’ inhaler to alleviate symptoms.

If affected, people are urged to take sensible precautions. In particular, avoiding exercise outdoors in the afternoon can reduce individual exposure to ozone.

If the legal threshold for ozone is again breached, further alerts will be issued on our website.

Forecasts, latest measurements and health advice are available on UK Air and via Defra’s freephone helpline (0800 556677). Updates on current and forecast levels of air pollution can also be found on Twitter (@DefraUKAir).

Further information:

  • Ground level ozone is not emitted from any man-made sources in any significant quantities. It is formed when sunlight acts on nitrogen dioxide and other atmospheric substances close to the ground. The pollutants that cause ground level ozone come from a range of sources, including petrol and other fuels
  • This alert has been triggered by a forecast of a HIGH level of ozone where significant health effects may be noticed by sensitive individuals, and action to avoid or reduce these effects may be needed. The EU Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC) requires member states to provide information to the public when this level is reached
  • Details of the Air Quality Index which classifies pollution as Low, Moderate, High, or Very High and gives health advice
  • Information on the health effects of air pollution from the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP)

Fresh Ayr

Farming For a Better Climate showcased at County Show.

Closed consultation: Standard rules consultation No 17: medium combustion plant and specified generators

Updated: New document published – Standard rules consultation No 17: summary of consultation responses and decisions.

The Environment Agency proposes to have new and revised standard rules environmental permits to cover operation of medium combustion plant (MCP) and emission controls on generators.

The standards within the rule sets have already been imposed by the Medium Combustion Plant Directive and Specified Generator Regulations and are being implemented through the rules. They contain additional rules on the objectives that need to be achieved, such as management of the MCP or generator.

We are asking for your views on whether the use of new standard rules are appropriate for the environmental permitting of MCPs and specified generators. We also welcome your views on the use of a single standard permit issued to a specific operator for a number of MCPs at different locations.

We will use your responses to help develop the standard rules sets. We aim to publish the new standard rules sets in July 2018.

The new standard rules permits are an efficient way of regulating for both operators and the Environment Agency. They will also protect the environment from pollution.