Guidance: Domestic sewage: discharges to surface water and groundwater

This guide is for applicants for environmental permits and operators of septic tanks or small sewage treatment plants that meet the general binding rules.

Open consultation: Slowing the flow in the Ouse and Foss; a long-term plan for York

The Environment Agency completed a study in 2017 called ‘Slowing the Flow in the Rivers Ouse and Foss’, and published a summary in the York Press inviting comments from partners and the public. We have discussed the study with partners and other groups since.

We are progressing the recommendations that fall within the Environment Agency remit. However, there are further recommendations that we cannot progress alone. We are now seeking views from partners, landowners, the public and other bodies on the general principles of the study and on our proposal for how to progress.

We are also asking if you have any current or future work proposed that might be aligned with our objectives and could be developed in partnership.

Guidance: Marine pioneer

Aspects of the coastal and marine environment are in decline (Charting Progress II) and we are causing irreversible damage to biodiversity and a loss of natural capital. This is despite previous efforts to prevent degradation and maintain and restore species and habitats. Current policies direct public and private organisations to manage the marine area as one whole system for example by using an ecosystem approach and sustainable development.

Different initiatives are working on implementing these approaches e.g. marine planning, plan led licensing, sustainable fisheries and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, but the marine environment is a complex interconnected system which we are still trying to fully understand. We are reliant on it for our health and prosperity. We must progress to not only preventing degradation but improving environmental health for current and future generations through collective societal, economic and environmental decisions.

To tackle this and other similar issues the government has outlined a 25 year environment plan. The vision of the plan is that the environment will be in a better state for the next generation than it was for this generation. The plan has a longer term approach and a more holistic view. It aims to make sustainable use and restoration of the environment central to all society’s decisions.

The pioneer has been set up to inform delivery of the 25 year environment plan. In particular to test the application of a natural capital approach, how to integrate planning and delivery further, how to apply better funding mechanisms and to share lessons.

Aims and objectives

The marine pioneer will explore how to:

  • apply a natural capital approach in the marine environment
  • identify local environmental priorities in Suffolk and North Devon’s coast and sea
  • improve inter and intra government and non-government working together
  • increase care for, and understanding of, the marine environment
  • gather information about all of the marine system (social, economic, ecological)
  • increase the use of social and economic science and practice in delivering marine management
  • develop a plan and mechanism for prioritising investment to restore natural capital
  • develop and implement innovative finance opportunities
  • share lessons learned and best practice more widely
  • contribute to implementing and updating the 25 year environment plan


This will be done by local partnerships of agencies and stakeholders. They will carry out a range of demonstration projects. The projects will explore new operating models for government and non-government organisations highlighting benefits and beneficiaries as well as demonstrating how natural capital approaches can be applied to the marine environment.

These partnerships will benefit from liaison and co-working with existing coastal and terrestrial groups such as Local Enterprise Partnerships, Coastal Partnerships, special coastal interest groups, designated sites partnerships, non-government organisations, industry groups, academics and government policy and implementation teams.

New evidence particularly on value (qualitative and quantitative) will be gathered to support testing of the tools and methods. We will seek advice and innovation from disciplines such as social science, finance and investments, systems thinking, communications and engagement.

This work will contribute to recommendations for maintaining and restoring natural capital. Innovative finance models can then be applied. The lessons learned will be shared widely and hopefully can be replicated in other areas as well as being incorporated into the next iteration of the 25 year environment plan.

A project of this ambition requires resources which are currently limited. In addition we need leadership, excellent communication and engagement, and an ability to change institutions and society. All of this will be challenging. Initial steering groups have been set up but further input and resources will be required.


MMO are leading the marine pioneer programme and will report progress to Defra and other government departments. Critical other parts of Government will be MHCLG with their important role in planning, BEIS to ensure a link to business and economic growth, DoE to ensure we are communicating with the next generation and Treasury to understand public investment opportunities. To ensure alignment with marine policy the programme lead is liaising with Defra marine policy and evidence colleagues, the Marine Outcome System Committee and the Transformation programme Board. In addition a national steering group consisting of representatives from Defra and its agencies are providing further insight to marine policy including on the 25 year environment plan, current delivery mechanisms and future developments.

The Suffolk and North Devon projects consist of a project officer in each location hosted by a local designated area team based in the local authority. In North Devon this is the North Devon Biosphere Reserve and in Suffolk the Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The project officers are supported by local steering groups.

The local pioneer steering groups consist of government agency, non-governmental organisations, academics and local authority representatives. There are others who we believe could offer great value to the work and we are very keen to engage more widely following the launch of the 25 year environment plan (25YEP). To deliver the 25YEP’s vision engagement with the many beneficiaries and people who can contribute to restoring and protecting natural capital will be important. This includes but is not limited to the next generation via the education sector, the health sector. To gain a critical mass for change it is important to increase stewardship by increasing understanding.

Next steps

  • engage with 25 year environment plan policy and evidence leads
  • prepare a paper linking the pioneer objectives to the demonstration projects, setting out how we will answer the asks of the pioneer and what the outputs will be
  • agree and implement a monitoring and evaluation programme
  • deliver agreed demonstration projects and develop further ones (current possibilities with Historic England, Environment Agency, National Trust)
  • communicate and engage about the marine pioneer to increase awareness, input and dialogue
  • engage with other government departments, local authorities, government agencies and partnerships to ensure policy join up and integrated planning and delivery
  • explore options for sustainable funding via an inter-pioneer funding group, discussion with financial experts and strategic agreement of what should be funded
  • seek resources for officers and project work
  • collate and develop the evidence base for applying the natural capital approach

For any enquiries please contact

Open consultation: West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ)

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is seeking views on draft proposals for the potential management of commercial fishing in the part of West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) inshore of 12 nautical miles.

After a period of informal consultation MMO is considering a management option and would like feedback from all interested parties on the proposed management measure.

The MMO would like any information you feel could be relevant to inform our decision for management at this site. In particular we are interested in understanding the following:

  • do you have information about the location, condition or sensitivity of the designated features?
  • do you have information about the level or nature of fishing activity in the inshore (0-12 nm) section of the site?
  • how the proposed management options affect you? (Please provide evidence of this impact if possible)
  • what other effects would the proposed management option have?

Full details of the proposal can be found via the links below, and contact details for your response can be found to the right.

More information on managing fisheries in Marine Protected Areas (MPA).


Marine Conservation Team

Telphone: 0300 123 1032


Notice: RG25 2PL, Humbly Grove Energy Limited: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish surrenders that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the surrender letter and decision document for:

  • Operator name: Humbly Grove Energy Limited
  • Installation name: Herriard X Well Site
  • Permit number: EPR/HP3338CE/S002