Penning a new chapter in sheep genetics

A new scoping study that will drive the future direction of genetic improvement in the British sheep industry has been announced.

Notice: LN8 2DN, Europa Oil & Gas Limited: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish oil and gas mining waste permits.

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

  • Operator name: Europa Oil & Gas Limited
  • Facility name: West Firsby Well Site
  • Permit number: EPR/ZP3838RH/V002

Marketing team pulls off double HEIST nomination

Scotland’s Rural College has been shortlisted for two national higher education marketing awards.

Rural skills on display at Kirkton & Auchtertyre

More than 60 secondary school pupils recently attended an enjoyable Rural Skills Day at SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre farms, near Crianlarich.

Rural skills on display at Kirkton & Auchtertyre

More than 60 secondary school pupils recently attended an enjoyable Rural Skills Day at SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre farms, near Crianlarich.