CLOSED: Research and Innovation: call in Greater Manchester (OC15R19P 0903)

Call for project’s providing research and innovation support in Greater Manchester.

CLOSED: Low Carbon: call in Greater Manchester (OC15R19P 0905)

Call to run project’s supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in Greater Manchester.

On the road to success

More than 150 people attended a ceremony in Livingston to celebrate the achievements of students from the Oatridge campus of Scotland’s Rural College.

Career attack

Students were urged to “attack their careers with a positive attitude” at the annual awards ceremony at the Barony campus of Scotland’s Rural College in Dumfries.

Devon landowner took 23 times the legal limit of waste from haulier

To restore land to agricultural use, the landowner imported 23,500 tonnes of soil but was only allowed a maximum of 1,000 tonnes.