Hundreds of trees planted in a pilot to help reduce flood risk

Launch of a natural flood management pilot project to help reduce the risk of flooding from the River Aire

CLOSED: Access to Employment: project call in Sheffield City Region (OC28S19P1419)

Call to run a project to skill residents to meet the current and future needs and opportunities for work in new and emerging sectors in Sheffield City Region LEP area.

CLOSED: Skills for Growth: project call in Sheffield City Region (OC28S19P1418)

Call to run a project to strengthen skills provision and increase workforce productivity in Sheffield City Region LEP area.

CLOSED: IP1.4 – Active Inclusion: project call in Lancashire LEP (OC19S19P1420)

Call to run a project delivering solutions to barriers that prevent disadvantaged people from realising local economic opportunities in the Lancashire LEP area.

Guidance: Pet travel: approved air, sea and rail carriers and routes

Check the transport companies and routes you can use to bring your pet cat, dog or ferret to England, Scotland or Wales.