Open consultation: Isle of Axholme de-maining proposals: rationalising the main river network

The Environment Agency proposes to transfer responsibility for flood risk management activities on some stretches of watercourses to internal drainage boards (IDBs), lead local flood authorities (LLFAs) and district councils. This means that IDBs, LLFAs and district councils can take more responsibility for their local flood risk where appropriate. The Environment Agency has worked with IDBs, LLFAs and district councils to consider proposals to re-designate some sections of watercourses. The watercourses will be re-designated from main river to ordinary watercourse – a change we refer to as de-maining.

This proposal is to re-designate a section of watercourse in the Isle of Axholme, North Lincolnshire.

This section of watercourse has a low level of flood risk to people and property, and is not associated with major rivers or major population centres. The proposal will strengthen local decision making. This helps the local IDB – the Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Level Management Board – to manage the stretch of watercourse and carry out works where they see fit for the benefit of local people.

This consultation explains all of the information about our proposals, including information about how the proposed section of watercourse is currently managed and funded. The consultation also provides details on future management and funding if de-maining goes ahead.

Closed consultation: Isle of Axholme de-maining proposals: rationalising the main river network

Updated: Published public feedback responses to the Isle of Axholme de-maining proposals.

The Environment Agency proposes to transfer responsibility for flood risk management activities on some stretches of watercourses to internal drainage boards (IDBs), lead local flood authorities (LLFAs) and district councils. This means that IDBs, LLFAs and district councils can take more responsibility for their local flood risk where appropriate. The Environment Agency has worked with IDBs, LLFAs and district councils to consider proposals to re-designate some sections of watercourses. The watercourses will be re-designated from main river to ordinary watercourse – a change we refer to as de-maining.

This proposal is to re-designate a section of watercourse in the Isle of Axholme, North Lincolnshire.

This section of watercourse has a low level of flood risk to people and property, and is not associated with major rivers or major population centres. The proposal will strengthen local decision making. This helps the local IDB – the Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Level Management Board – to manage the stretch of watercourse and carry out works where they see fit for the benefit of local people.

This consultation explains all of the information about our proposals, including information about how the proposed section of watercourse is currently managed and funded. The consultation also provides details on future management and funding if de-maining goes ahead.

Film highlights ‘human story’ of migrant workforce

A short film highlighting the “human story” behind Scottish agriculture’s seasonal migrant workforce has been unveiled by SRUC’s Rural Policy Centre.

Policy paper: UK strategy for radioactive discharges: 2018 review of the 2009 strategy

The UK is a signatory to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic (the ‘OSPAR Convention’). The OSPAR Convention identifies threats to the marine environment and organises programmes and measures designed to ensure effective national action to combat them. One of the key work areas of OSPAR is on radioactive substances.

The 2009 Radioactive Discharges Strategy alongside the OSPAR Radioactive Substances Strategy, aims to prevent pollution of the OSPAR maritime area (the North East Atlantic) from radiation through progressive and substantial reductions of discharges, emissions and losses of radioactive substances.

The 2018 Review shows the UK is making good progress towards achieving the outcomes in the 2009 strategy, and that the UK is contributing towards meeting the objectives of the OSPAR strategy.

Press release: Foreign Secretary announces UK strategy to protect world’s oceans

The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has today [22 June] unveiled an ambitious plan to bring together all of the Government’s international oceans work under a single strategy for the first time.

The Government will agree and implement a new oceans strategy, under the aegis of the FCO, which will cover work from departments including Defra, BEIS, DfT and DIT. The strategy will be developed over the coming months. Responding to the recommendation from the Government Chief Scientific Adviser to develop a more strategic approach to marine and maritime policy, it will provide a blueprint for international action by HMG towards the oceans that supports the long-term prosperity of the UK and the long-term health of the marine environment.

Speaking on a visit to the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), the Foreign Secretary said:

Britain has a proud and ancient maritime history, but our commitment to the oceans must be enshrined in our future. Today in Southampton I’ve heard from world-leading UK experts on marine protection, and what more the UK can do to help.

We need to improve and energise international ocean governance to protect the world’s seas and their ecosystems, to keep our people and goods safe, and to support sustainable economic growth, as well as to deliver our ambitious environmental commitments. Utilising expertise across government, Britain will stay at the leading edge of international marine excellence.

At the NOC, the Foreign Secretary met scientists working on Foreign and Commonwealth Office-funded marine protection programmes, including the flagship Blue Belt programme, which will protect over four million square kilometres of British waters by 2020.

The Foreign Secretary’s visit builds on commitments made during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London in April, where the FCO announced additional funding for the Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme and a number of Government commitments to reduce the amount of plastic waste entering the oceans.

Notes to editors

  • The Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme is a £23 million programme over 4 years (from 2016) to assist Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean to develop maritime economy plans for sustainable economic growth and prosperity.

  • The Government Office for Science issued a Foresight report on 21 March 2018 entitled ‘Future of the Sea’, which sets out the important role that the oceans play in the life of the UK and its Overseas Territories. It highlighted an opportunity for the UK to develop a “thriving 21st Century marine and maritime economy and leading the global response to environmental change.”

  • The Blue Belt programme aims to deliver demonstrable increases in the protection of marine biodiversity across the combined maritime zones of the UK and the UK Overseas Territories, taking into account local views and supporting the development of sustainable economies. The Blue Belt programme is on course to deliver over 4 million square kilometres of protected ocean around the UKOTs by 2020, with funding of up to £20m to support scientific assessment, implementation, management, monitoring and surveillance of these areas.

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