Research and analysis: Genetically Modified Organisms: The Sainsbury Laboratory (19/R29/01)

Details of consent for Sainsbury Laboratory to release a genetically modified organism, reference 19/R29/01.

Research and Innovation: call in Greater Birmingham and Solihull (OC12R19P 1027)

Call to run a project providing research and innovation support in Greater Birmingham and Solihull

Research and Innovation: call in Coast to Capital (OC04R19P 1040)

Call for project’s providing research and innovation support in Coast to Capital.

Climate change: call in the North East (OC25R19S 0915)

Call for project’s promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management in the North East

Climate change: call in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire (OC32R19P 0978)

Call for project’s promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire