CLOSED: Skills and Apprenticeship Brokerage and Responsive Skills Fund Liverpool (OC22S19P1343)

Call to run a project to provide quality advice on apprenticeships and skills for learners and employers and access to funding for responsive skills in the Liverpool City Region LEP area.

Alcester residents invited to give views on flood scheme proposals

Residents are being invited to share their thoughts on flood scheme proposals for the town of Alcester at an upcoming community drop-in session.

Cheshire lays foundations for a sustainable future with green light given for world-class geoenergy research site

Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWACC) has unanimously approved the British Geological Survey’s (BGS) planning application to site a UK Geoenergy Observatory at Ince Marshes in the north of the county.

Health and Well Being Call in Leeds City Region (OC20S19P1466)

Call to run a project to build a locally integrated employment service that tackles the deep seated barriers to work for all who need it in the Leeds City Region LEP area.

Event to raise awareness of Hull’s flood risk

An organisation whose remit is to raise awareness of flood risk in the Hull area has announced that the city will once again host to the ‘Hulltimate’ Challenge.