News story: Emergency response prevents huge fish deaths at the River Mole

Since the weekend, fish have been in distress in the River Mole due to environmental impacts caused by the current hot and dry weather conditions. The Environment Agency has been at the watercourse throughout to take all necessary actions to prevent widespread fish deaths and to use re-oxygenating equipment to boost levels in the river.

Sadly, a significant number of fish, including perch, pike and roach have already died as a result of the naturally occurring incident. Due to the Environment Agency’s emergency response it is hoped that now oxygen levels are stable, thousands more fish have now been saved.

Anna Burns, Environment Manager at the Environment Agency, said:

Our officers have worked around the clock to prevent widescale fish deaths at this much-loved river. It is distressing that a large number of fish had perished ahead of our efforts, but our swift emergency response has ensured that many more will now be saved.

We have worked in partnership with Gatwick Airport and Thames Water and we thank them for their valuable assistance regarding this incident. We will all continue to work to prevent further fish deaths and reduce potential harm to local wildlife.

During summer the Environment Agency regularly respond to reports of fish in distress due to natural processes reducing oxygen levels in the water. Hot, sunny weather can lead to low flows in rivers and still water fisheries (ponds and lakes) start to warm up.

Small still waters are particularly susceptible. Rescuing fish is part of the Environment Agency’s fisheries management role. Fisheries teams are trained to use aeration equipment or hydrogen peroxide to restore dissolved oxygen levels. When necessary, fish will be rescued and transferred to safety.

Members of the public are encouraged to report any sightings of fish in distress to us via the Environment Agency’s 24-hour emergency hotline: 0800 807060.

Notice: Notice of application for a drought permit: Windermere

TAKE NOTICE that due to the threat of a serious water shortage in the part of its water supply
area served by Windermere, caused by an exceptional shortage of rain, United Utilities Water
Limited (“the Company”) is applying to the Environment Agency for a drought permit under
Section 79A of the Water Resources Act 1991.

Notice: Notice of application for a drought permit: Ullswater

TAKE NOTICE that due to the threat of a serious water shortage in the part of its water supply
area served by Ullswater, caused by an exceptional shortage of rain, United Utilities Water
LTD (“the Company”) is applying to the Environment Agency for a drought permit under
Section 79A of the Water Resources Act 1991.

Notice: Notice of application for a drought order: Ennerdale

TAKE NOTICE that due to the threat of a serious deficiency of supplies of water in the part of its water supply area served by Ennerdale Water caused by an exceptional shortage of rain, United Utilities Water Limited (“the Company”) is applying to the Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for a drought order under Section 73 of the Water Resources Act 1991.

Corporate report: Environment Agency corporate scorecard quarter four 2017 to 2018

The Environment Agency has 12 corporate measures. These are:

  • the water environment is healthier
  • we protect people, the environment and wildlife by reducing serious pollution incidents
  • we create new habitats
  • we reduce the number of high risk illegal waste sites
  • we reduce the risk of flooding for more households
  • we maintain our flood and coastal risk management assets at or above the target condition
  • we have a first class incident response capability
  • we manage our money efficiently to deliver our outcomes
  • we respond to planning applications within 21 days
  • we reduce our carbon footprint
  • we have a diverse workforce
  • we provide a safe place to work