Scotland creates Europe’s first ‘Entanglement Alliance’

A new research project into marine animal entanglements in Scottish waters has been launched.

There’s No Place Like Home

The Scottish Home Pony will return to the Scottish National Equestrian Centre in West Lothian in 2019 and 2020.

Official Statistics: Northern Ireland Carrier Bag Levy Statistics 2017/18

This is an annual publication which reports on the numbers of bags dispensed in Northern Ireland in the financial year 2017/18. The figures relate to the number of bags dispensed by retailers in Northern Ireland in the year 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 as notified to the Department by 30 June 2018.

Press release: Farmers, growers and processors asked for views on AHDB

Farmers, growers, processors and industry representatives are being asked for their views from today (31 August) on the role of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).

The AHDB is a UK statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. As we leave the EU, there is an opportunity to ensure that the sectors that the AHDB covers are as competitive as possible. This review will look at the AHDB’s purpose and priorities, its strengths and where improvements need to be made.

This is a joint 10-week exercise covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The request for views will close on 9 November.

Farming Minister George Eustice said:

At a time when we are designing a new agriculture policy from first principles, now is also a good time to review the role and function of this agricultural and horticultural levy body.

The AHDB collects around £60 million a year in statutory levy from farmers and growers and currently uses that money for a range of purposes to support these sectors.

This request for views is an opportunity for levy payers to have their say about the role and function of the various components of the AHDB in the future.

Jane King, Chief Executive Officer of the AHDB, said:

We welcome this opportunity to gain feedback from farmers and growers, and to help the industry compete in a global marketplace as the country prepares to leave the EU.

We’d encourage views to shape where we can have the biggest impact and drive value as an independent, evidence-based organisation, which carries out marketing at home and abroad, while sharing best practice and innovation with farmers, growers and the wider industry, at this crucial time.

To submit your views please complete the online survey by 9 November. Defra will also be running a number of workshops in the coming weeks .

Open consultation: Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB): Request for views

We are seeking views on the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). We are particularly keen to hear from farmers, growers, and others across the UK who pay a levy to fund it.

AHDB was created ten years ago. Since then the industries it supports have changed and AHDB has become more strategic and efficient. As we leave the European Union it is a good time to consider what AHDB’s future role and activities should be.

Which services are most valued? Should levy payers continue to pay money on the same basis in future?

Y Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth (AHDB): Cais am safbwyntiau

Rydym yn ceisio safbwyntiau ar y Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth (AHDB). Rydym yn awyddus iawn i glywed gan ffermwyr, tyfwyr, ac eraill ledled y DU sy’n talu ardoll i’w ariannu.

Sefydlwyd y Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth ddeng mlynedd yn ôl. Ers hynny, mae’r diwydiannau a gefnogir ganddo wedi newid ac mae’r Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth wedi dod yn fwy strategol ac effeithlon. Wrth i ni adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd mae’n amser da ystyried beth ddylai rôl a gweithgareddau’r Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth fod yn y dyfodol.

Pa wasanaethau a werthfawrogir fwyaf? A ddylai talwyr yr ardoll barhau i dalu arian ar yr un sail yn y dyfodol?