Corporate report: Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM): 14th annual report, 2017 to 2018

This report sets out CoRWM’s advice to the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and to the devolved administrations from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. It also summarises the work carried out by the committee over the year.

Press release: New outreach centre launched to help boost wildlife

A landmark new outreach centre has been officially unveiled today (14 September) at Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve (NNR) in Yorkshire.

Opened by Natural England and backed by £3 million of government funding, the new outdoor laboratory facility includes an educational centre for visitors, local schools and universities helping to establish the reserve as a focal point for the local community.

Research at the site will help us understand how NNRs influence the environment way beyond their physical boundaries, boosting wildlife and providing wider benefits to society such as carbon storage and support for rural economies.

The opening of the new research centre marks the one year anniversary of the launch of an ambitious National Nature Reserve strategy, which brings together government, wildlife charities, NGOs and private landowners to help stimulate recovery across England’s native wildlife by creating conditions to enable wildlife to ‘brim over’ from nature reserves into the wider landscape.

Environment Minister, Thérèse Coffey said:

The transformation of the Humberhead from scarred industrial landscape to Britain’s single largest restored lowland peatland is a fantastic example of how by working together to restore ecological processes we can boost wildlife, improve access to the great outdoors and create new opportunities for the local economy.

Our National Nature Reserves are seen as a role model for conservation around the world and our ambitious strategy will see them flourish, helping us deliver on our ambition to leave the environment in a better state than we found it.

Over the last year the government has invested over £5 million to improve, expand and create NNRs. Natural England is committed to ensuring the future of these nationally important wildlife sites and has worked with partners to identify 80 additional priority landscapes across the country, which as they are developed, will form part of a new Nature Recovery Network of connected wildlife-rich habitats.

Representatives from the 53 conservation organisations involved in the delivery of the joint strategy, today gathered at Humberhead Peatlands NNR to reflect on the success of the programme so far.

Andy Clements, Chair of the NNR Partnership and Natural England Board member said:

The NNR Strategy builds on the solid achievements of half a century of hard work- it reinforces what we have done well, such as here on the Humber by restoring wetlands, bringing a fresh emphasis to the role of premier wildlife sites and restoring biodiversity in the wider landscapes.

This strategy forms part of the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan, which sets out how we will improve the environment for future generations by creating richer habitats for wildlife, using our land more sustainably, and connecting more people with nature. Natural England, the government’s advisor on the natural environment, is a key part of creating and delivering the plan.

Chief Executive of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Rob Stoneman said:

Reconnecting people with their landscape and involving them in actions, is one of the main aims of our Landscape Partnership. Through working with 13 partner organisations, to restore and enhance 200 hectares of priority habitat, rare species will be protected including; crane, marsh harrier and nightjar.

With the NNR at its core we are connecting to other wildlife rich areas, so local people and future generations will hear the enigmatic call of the bittern or the incredible sight of a marsh harrier casting a shadow overhead.

News story: VMD statement on veterinary medicinal products containing Cannabidiol

Veterinary medicinal products containing Cannabidiol

We consider that veterinary products containing Cannabidiol (CBD) are veterinary medicines and should be regulated as such.
We have made this decision on the basis that products containing CBD fulfil the following definition of a veterinary medicine in the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) by virtue of the effects they have:

any substance or combination of substances that may be used in, or administered to, animals with a view either to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis.

Marketing Authorisation requirement for CBD products

CBD products for use in animals therefore now require a marketing authorisation before they can be sold or supplied in the UK.
There are currently no CBD based products that have been granted a UK veterinary marketing authorisation.

Using human CBD products to treat animals

As there are currently no CBD products authorised in the UK for veterinary use, a veterinary surgeon may prescribe a legally obtained human CBD product under the provisions of the prescribing cascade.
Administration of an unauthorised product containing CBD without a veterinary prescription is an offence under Regulation 8 of the VMR.
Companies supplying CBD products for human use in line with the requirements of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency must not indicate or recommend their products for use on animals.

Our next steps

We will be writing to UK CBD suppliers and manufacturers to inform them of our decision and to ensure products containing CBD satisfy the requirements of the VMR.
We will continue to provide regulatory guidance to any company wishing to apply for a marketing authorisation.

Quality versus quantity

This year’s Scottish silage crops are of high quality, but farmers must calculate stocks and ration to deal with the shortfall.

News story: Bridging Payments for Environmental Stewardship customers

We are making bridging payments to farmers and land managers to ensure all those who claimed for 2016 and / or 2017 will have received at least 75% of their payment for those years by the end of September.

All eligible Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreement holders who claimed for 2016 and 2017 payments and have not yet received 75% of their claim for those years will receive a bridging payment by the end of September.

A bridging payment is an interest-free loan to customers in advance of their full year payment. Customers will receive 75% of the current estimated value of their ES revenue claim. When the full payment is processed and made, the amount paid through the bridging payment will be held back.

Where a 50% advance payment has already been made to a claimant, customers will receive a 25% top up when bridging payments are made.

Letters and emails are being sent to farmers and land managers awaiting payments this week, with a reminder to make sure bank account and contact details on the Rural Payments Service are up-to-date so that bridging payments can be made successfully.

Customers do not need to do anything to receive the payment, as Natural England will check records to identify eligible customers entitled to bridging payments.

Payment for environmental work undertaken is a government priority as set out in the Agriculture Bill published earlier this week. These payments are important to customers, and an improvement plan to the delivery of Environmental Stewardship and Countryside Stewardship payments is underway, with the Rural Payments Agency taking charge of delivery of both schemes from 1 October.