Access to Employment Project call in Enterprise M3 LEP Area (OC10S19P1484)

Call to run a project to support people with multiple barriers get closer to the labour market in the Enterprise M3 LEP area.

Youth Employment Initiative (OC50S19P1445)

Call to run a project in the More Developed Category of Regions who attract YEI Funding, and Liverpool City Region Transition area. No other Transition area is eligible to apply for this call.

News story: Global Resource Initiative taskforce: greening the UK’s environmental footprint

A taskforce of leaders from business and environmental organisations meets for the first time to consider actions the UK can take to green its international supply chains and leave a lighter footprint on the global environment.

News story: Global Resource Initiative taskforce: greening the UK’s environmental footprint

A taskforce of leaders from business and environmental organisations meets for the first time to consider actions the UK can take to green its international supply chains and leave a lighter footprint on the global environment.

Independent report: Global Resource Initiative Taskforce: Terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Global Resource Initiative Taskforce which will consider how we can reduce the climate and environment effects of key UK supply chains.