Form: Seed submission form

Form to submit details of seeds for National Listing and/or plant breeders’ rights.

United States and United Kingdom: united in creating green jobs

Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency and Adviser to the Board of Trade, speaking at an event hosted by the British Embassy in Washington D.C.

Detailed guide: EIA (Agriculture) regulations: apply to make changes to rural land

Find out when you need to apply for an environmental impact assessment (EIA) screening or consent decision to change rural land use.

CLOSED: Youth Employment Initiative – OC50S21P1801

Call to run a project to help support young people and respond to the economic recovery due to the impact of Covid-19 in the NUTS 2 YEI LEP areas listed below.

Policy paper: Food compositional standards and labelling: provisional common framework

How the UK government and devolved administrations propose to work together on food compositional standards and labelling policy.