Guidance: Animal pathogens and carriers: import from the EU to Great Britain

Find the licence and declaration you must use to import animal pathogens and carriers to Great Britain from the EU.

Guidance: Businesses approved to export to the EU

Use the lists to check your business in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) or one of the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) is approved to export to the EU, and find out what your TRACES number is.

Hythe Ranges sea defence scheme virtual opening ceremony

Scheme will better protect 787 properties in the area

Transparency data: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs commercial pipeline data: Quarter 3 2020-21

Commercial pipelines providing a forward look of potential commercial activity within the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Transparency data: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs commercial pipeline data: Quarter 4 2020-21

Commercial pipelines providing a forward look of potential commercial activity within the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.