Notice: Seasonal Workers Pilot: request for information

Details of the Seasonal Workers Pilot for 2019 and 2020, the Extended Pilot for 2021, how we considered responses and the selected Pilot Operators.

Guidance: Great crested newts: district level licensing schemes

Apply to join a district level licensing scheme to manage great crested newt (GCN) populations if you are developing land in certain parts of England.

Guidance: Woodland creation grant manual: Countryside Stewardship (after 9 September 2018)

Scheme rules for holders of agreements that started after 9 September 2018

Research: Avian influenza (bird flu) in Europe, Russia and in the UK

Preliminary and updated outbreak assessments for avian influenza (bird flu) in Europe, Russia and in the UK.

Guidance: How to comply with REACH chemical regulations

How to comply with the EU and UK REACH chemical regulations when using, making, selling or importing chemicals in the UK and in the EU.