Policy paper: Copy of register of European sites in England as at 31 May 2021

A copy of the register of European sites in England, which is maintained by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on 31 May 2021.

Guidance: England Coast Path: comment on new proposals

As a member of the public, owner or occupier of coastal access land, find out how you can comment or object on new access proposals.

Map: European sites and 500 metre buffer zones in England on 31 May 2021

Map of European sites in England and the 500 metre buffer zone around these sites on 31 May 2021.

Working together on climate adaptation

Bringing communities together to tackle long-term risks about climate change.

News story: Evaluation of Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant scheme

New tender opportunity from the Defra floods and water programme.