National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in the UK, 2021

Previously published copies of the monthly National Statistics publication on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in the UK.

Independent report: Reservoir review: part B (2020)

Independent review of reservoir safety and legislation. This follows on from the Toddbrook reservoir incident review carried out in 2019.

Consultation starts on a permit variation application in Horsham

Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd applies for an environmental permit variation for a recycling, recovery and renewable energy facility, near Horsham.

Guidance: Transporting goods between Great Britain and the EU: guidance for hauliers and commercial drivers

Guidance for haulage companies and commercial drivers moving goods between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and the European Union.

Guidance: Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands (NCA088): Countryside Stewardship statement of priorities

Find out the features and issues that have been identified as priorities for funding in this area.