Press release: Environment Secretary to set out plans to restore nature and build back greener from the pandemic

Environment Secretary makes landmark speech, outlining plans to protect and restore nature, tackle the climate and biodiversity crises and help deliver Net Zero by 2050.

Policy paper: England Trees Action Plan 2021 to 2024

Setting out our long-term vision for trees, woodlands and forests in England and the actions we’ll take during this Parliament to achieve our ambition.

Policy paper: England Peat Action Plan

An integrated plan for the management, protection and restoration of our upland and lowland peatlands, so that they deliver benefits for nature and the climate.

Policy paper: England Trees Action Plan 2021 to 2024

Setting out our long-term vision for trees, woodlands and forests in England and the actions we’ll take during this Parliament to achieve our ambition.

Policy paper: England Peat Action Plan

An integrated plan for the management, protection and restoration of our upland and lowland peatlands, so that they deliver benefits for nature and the climate.