Transparency data: Defra: spending over £500, March 2021

Spending by electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS), over £500.

Official Statistics: Soil nutrient balances for the regions of England, 2019

First publication of soil nutrient balances at a regional level for England. These figures provide a method for estimating the annual nutrient loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus to agricultural soils.

Guidance: Importing or moving live animals, animal products and high risk food and feed not of animal origin

The checks you need to make, the documents you need and how to notify the authorities for live animals, including equines, animal products and high risk food or feed not of animal origin.

National Statistics: Total factor productivity of the agricultural industry

Annual statistics giving an indicator of the long-term performance of the UK agricultural industry.

National Statistics: Total income from farming in the UK

Annual statistics on ‘Total Income from Farming’, a measure of the performance of the UK agricultural industry.