Press release: Government sets out marine commitments to mark World Ocean Day

Countries sign up to back ’30by30′ and plans to pilot greater protections for England’s waters launched.

Press release: Government sets out marine commitments to mark World Ocean Day

Countries sign up to back ’30by30′ and plans to pilot greater protections for England’s waters launched.

Policy paper: Chlorinated paraffins with carbon chain lengths in the range C14-17

Draft proposal to list chlorinated paraffins with carbon chain lengths in the range C14-17 and chlorination levels ≥45% chlorine by weight as a persistent organic pollutant (POP).

Press release: First new board members of Office for Environmental Protection

Dr Paul Leinster CBE, Professor Richard Macrory, Professor Dan Laffoley and Julie Hill MBE have been appointed to the OEP Board.

Guidance: Use organic fertiliser

Find out how land managers can improve the health of their soil by using organic fertiliser.