Guidance: Import or move composite products from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain

Find out what a composite product is, and what you need to do to import or move composite products.

Closed consultation: Domestic food legislation: amendments to rules in England

Seeking views on proposed amendments to certain rules in England for products including meat, fruit curds, mincemeat, spreadable fats and flour.

News story: Non-Executive Director appointments to Consumer Council for Water

Four new non-executive directors – Bev Keogh, Jeff Halliwell, Rachel Onikosi and Lisa Tennant – have been appointed to the Consumer Council for Water Board

CLOSED: COVID-19 Response NEETs Engagement in New Anglia – OC24S21P1840

Call to run a project to deliver a coordinated response to NEET transitions, focused on ‘wraparound’ support for young people who have been impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns, both educationally and in terms of their wellbeing and mental health.

CLOSED: Skills for the Mature Workforce project call in Worcester LEP (OC38S21P1825)

Call to run a project to identify barriers faced by older people to continuing in
employment, and provide support to both individuals and businesses to address
these barriers in Worcester LEP area.