Guidance: Importing or moving live animals, animal products and high risk food and feed not of animal origin

Find out how to import or move live animals, including equines, animal products and high risk food or feed not of animal origin from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain.

15,000 trees planted in Keighley to reduce flood risk and mitigate climate change

15,000 trees have been planted in Keighley to reduce flood risk and mitigate climate change as part of a Natural Flood Management Programme which aims to reduce flood risk in the River Aire catchment.

Guidance: Import or move food and drink from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain

Find out what you need to do to import or move food and drink from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain.

Guidance: Import or move food and drink from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain

Find out what you need to do to import or move food and drink from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain.

News story: UK Government-led support for the Scottish seafood exports sector

A taskforce instrumental in smoothing seafood exports has met for the final time. Tailored dialogue with the fisheries sector will continue.