National Statistics: Latest UK milk prices and composition of milk

Monthly UK averages of the farm-gate price and butterfat and protein content of milk delivered to dairies.

Mushroom supplier to pay charity £54,880.33 for ignoring packaging regulations

The Environment Agency has accepted an Enforcement Undertaking from a Worcestershire-based fresh mushroom supplier who broke packaging regulations.

Press release: Ambitious proposals to create and improve protected landscapes across England

Renewed commitment to boost nature recovery and help more people from all part of society access Britain’s most beautiful landscapes

Press release: Ambitious proposals to create and improve protected landscapes across England

Renewed commitment to boost nature recovery and help more people from all part of society access Britain’s most beautiful landscapes

Guidance: Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot

An overview of the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot scheme, including information on standards, payments, monitoring, inspections and reporting