Statistical data set: Historical statistics on movement testing for tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle in Great Britain 2005 to 2018

Previously published datasets on the movement testing for tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain.

National Statistics: Latest statistics on milk utilisation by dairies – national statistics

Monthly statistics on the volume of milk used by dairies .

National Statistics: Historical national statistics notices on milk utilisation by dairies, 2021

Previously published copies of the monthly National Statistics publication on the volume of milk used by dairies.

Official Statistics: Historical statistic notices on movement testing for tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle in Great Britain

Previously published quarterly statistic notices on the movement testing for tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain.

Statistics: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs – Statistics at Defra

We publish national and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food, farming and biosecurity.