Guidance: Funding for farmers in protected landscapes

If you’re a farmer or land manager, get funding to support and improve Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Parks and the Broads.

Guidance: Surface water pollution risk assessment for your environmental permit

How to carry out a risk assessment if you are applying for a bespoke permit that includes discharging hazardous chemicals and elements to surface water.

News story: Government to boost support for Northern Ireland agri-food traders

Movement Assistance Scheme extended and expanded to offer greater support for traders

News story: Government to boost support for Northern Ireland agri-food traders

Movement Assistance Scheme extended and expanded to offer greater support for traders

Guidance: Movement Assistance Scheme: get help with moving agrifood goods to Northern Ireland

Get advice and help to meet new requirements if you’re a trader, and understand how you can claim money back if you provide an inspection and certification service.