Guidance: Shell Haven and Fobbing Marshes Policy Unit: Thames Estuary 2100
What needs to be done to manage flood risk and adapt to rising sea levels in Shell Haven and Fobbing Marshes, one of 23 policy units in Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100).
What needs to be done to manage flood risk and adapt to rising sea levels in Shell Haven and Fobbing Marshes, one of 23 policy units in Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100).
Get paid to manage land sustainably to benefit the environment and support food production: find out if your land is eligible, select and apply for SFI actions.
Create a map and complete this record to help you identify the habitats and features on your moorland.
Apply for grants and other funding to increase productivity, manage your land to benefit the environment and support your agricultural business.
What farmers, foresters and land managers need to know and do before applying for a Countryside Stewardship grant, and how to manage a grant agreement.