Guidance: Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA): Guidance

Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) guidance is a comprehensive document providing information and resources for Natural Capital.

Guidance: Webinars for importers of food and drink products from the EU to Great Britain

Webinars on changes to importing food and drink, including composite food and fishery products from the EU to Great Britain from 1 October 2021.

Guidance: Lists of recognised EU breed societies and breeding operations

Recognised EU breed societies for bovine, ovine, porcine, equine and caprine species.

Guidance: Controls of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales

Reduce the risk of disease, find out where notifiable diseases have been confirmed in England and Wales

Guidance: Coming to the UK for seasonal agricultural work on English farms

Advice for seasonal agricultural workers coming to England to pick fruit and vegetables on farms, and their employers.