Multi-million pound investment brings Yorkshire improvements

The Environment Agency has worked together with partners to invest £5.59m in environmental improvements across Yorkshire in 2020/21.

Guidance: List of approved EU extended breeding programmes

EU breeding body programmes for bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species that have been approved to extend their geographical territory into the UK.

Guidance: Fishing quota transfers between the UK and the EU

Interim fishing quota transfers between the UK and the EU.

Guidance: Veterinary medicine wholesale dealer’s authorisation (WDA)

How to legally run a business that deals with the wholesale of animal medicines (veterinary medicinal products) and the WDA Register.

Guidance: ENCA: Featured tools for assessing natural capital and environmental valuation

Enabling a Natural Capital Approach featured tools is a summary of selected natural capital or valuation tools developed by government. These include analytical tools and platforms assessing natural capital tools.