Guidance: Piloting the Sustainable Farming Incentive: monitoring

Guidance for participants taking part in the pilot of the Sustainable Farming Incentive. This covers monitoring, site visits, the annual agreement and breaches.

Guidance: How to apply for the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot

This guidance explains how to apply for the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot using the Rural Payments service.

Guidance: Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot

An overview of the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot scheme, including information on standards, payments, monitoring, inspections and reporting

Guidance: Aims of the Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot standards

Each standard has a set of aims that participants should achieve if they have followed all the actions. These aims are the primary focus for site visits.

Correspondence: Statements from the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at Defra under Schedule 8 to the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018

Statements from the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at Defra regarding the Direct Payments to Farmers Regulations 2021 and the Official Controls Regulations 2021.