Guidance: Maintain species-rich grassland

Find out how land managers can provide habitat for plants and invertebrates by maintaining species-rich grassland.

Guidance: Make field-dried hay or haylage

Find out how land managers can use haymaking and aftermath grazing to maintain species-rich grassland.

Press release: Better welfare conditions for millions of farm animals during transit

New rules on maximum journey times and more headroom will raise welfare of farm animals during transport.

Consultation outcome: Live animal exports: improvements to animal welfare in transport

Seeking views on ending live animal exports for slaughter and fattening, starting in or transported through England or Wales, and on further improvements to animal welfare in transport.

Form: Bees: model health certificates

Competent authorities of exporting countries should use the relevant model health certificate as a template to create a version exporters can apply for to export bees to Great Britain, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.