Guidance: Sow winter bird food plots in spring

Find out how land managers can feed farmland birds in winter by establishing spring-sown bird food plots on arable land.

Guidance: Create 2 year sown legume fallow

Find out how land managers can control black-grass and provide food for pollinators and farmland birds by creating 2 year sown legume fallow.

Guidance: Remove tree and scrub cover from sensitive features

Find out how land managers can look after geodiversity and historic features by removing trees and scrub.

Guidance: Use precision application of fertiliser, manure and other inputs

Find out how land managers can improve business efficiency, and water and air quality, by switching to precision application of fertiliser and manures.

Guidance: Use less fertiliser, manure and lime

Find out how land managers can improve water and air quality and protect wildlife by applying less fertiliser and lime.