News story: Up to 5,500 poultry workers to help deliver Christmas dinners

Number of temporary poultry workers permitted to travel to and work in the UK will increase in time for Christmas.

News story: More support to help people to become HGV drivers among package of government measures to ease risk of shortages

Government taking action to tackle the shortage of HGV drivers.

News story: More support to help people to become HGV drivers among package of government measures to ease risk of shortages

Government taking action to tackle the shortage of HGV drivers.

Press release: Riverbanks and watercourses to be planted with new woodland

New project to plant extensive woodlands along England’s riverbanks launched to improve water quality, manage flood risk and boost biodiversity.

Guidance: Rabies in bats: how to spot it and report it

Signs that may suggest rabies in bats, what to do if you spot them and measures to prevent exposing yourself to the disease.