Guidance: Lists of recognised breed societies and breeding operations

Recognised breed societies for bovine, ovine, porcine and caprine species, and recognised breed operations for hybrid breeding pigs.

Guidance: Compensation for animals culled to control animal diseases

Find out about compensation arrangements for animals culled by the government as part of certain disease control strategies.

Guidance: Controls of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales

Reduce the risk of disease, find out where notifiable diseases have been confirmed in England and Wales

731 fishing licences checked last month across East Anglia

A month-long enforcement campaign saw more than 700 anglers have their fishing licences checked along East Anglian riverbanks.

Form: Approved Finishing Unit (Enhanced) with grazing for cattle: application

Forms to register Approved Finishing Units (Enhanced) with grazing (AFUE) for TB-restricted cattle in England.