Guidance: Import bonsai from Japan and Korea to Great Britain

Find out how to import species of bonsai to Great Britain from Japan and Korea, who you can import from, quarantine rules and how to apply for a licence.

Guidance: Reintroductions and conservation translocations in England: code, guidance and forms

Follow the code and guidance if you’re considering a species reintroduction or other conservation translocation. Use the forms to record your project and apply for a conservation translocation licence.

Guidance: Businesses approved to export to the EU

Use the lists to check your business in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) or one of the Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) is approved to export to the EU, and find out what your TRACES number is.

News story: Forestry Commission acts on bark beetle tree pest

New breeding populations of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) have been discovered in Kent and East Sussex.

Removal of Dovecliff weir restores river health

The £2.5 million project to remove the Dovecliff weir at Egginton, South Derbyshire is now complete following a 24-month programme of works.