Policy paper: Pigmeat: declaration relating to exceptional market conditions in the pigmeat sector

Declaration relating to the exceptional market conditions in the pigmeat sector in England by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Guidance: Fish, shellfish or crustacean farm authorisation

How to get authorised to set up a fish, shellfish or crustacean farm: application process, conditions and records you must keep.

Form: Form AUTEXP Apply to be authorised to export live aquatic animals

Use the AUTEXP form to apply to become authorised to export live aquatic animals in England and Wales.

Guidance: Import plants and plant products from the EU to Great Britain and Northern Ireland

How to import plants, fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, trees and agricultural machinery to Great Britain and to Northern Ireland from the EU.

Guidance: Add a new plant variety to the national list

How to apply for national listing of agricultural and vegetable plant varieties in GB and NI.