Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

Closed consultation: Fisheries: latent capacity in the over 10m scallop and shellfish fleet

Seeking views on the risks and impacts around existing latent capacity in the 10m and over scallop and shellfish fleet.

Closed consultation: Fisheries: management of the under 15m scallop fleet

Seeking views on whether there are issues with the current management of the under 15m scallop fleet.

Statistics: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs – Statistics at Defra

We publish national and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food, farming and biosecurity.

News story: Bird flu – Latest situation: Avian influenza prevention zone declared across Great Britain

Poultry keepers must take action now to protect their flocks from bird flu this winter.