Guidance: Catchment Sensitive Farming: advice to help farmers and land managers reduce pollution

Get help to reduce water and air pollution, from your land. Find out if you’re in a priority area and how you can contact your local adviser.

Policy paper: Fisheries: cod, haddock, saithe, whiting, plaice, herring and sprat management in the North Sea

Agreed Record of the annual consultations held between the UK, EU, and Norway to discuss the management of the jointly managed stocks in the North Sea.

Closed consultation: Fisheries: latent capacity in the over 10m scallop and shellfish fleet

Seeking views on the risks and impacts around existing latent capacity in the 10m and over scallop and shellfish fleet.

Closed consultation: Fisheries: management of the under 15m scallop fleet

Seeking views on whether there are issues with the current management of the under 15m scallop fleet.

Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.