Guidance: Import plants and plant products from the EU to Great Britain and Northern Ireland

How to import plants, fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, trees and agricultural machinery to Great Britain and to Northern Ireland from the EU.

Guidance: Importing or moving fish to the UK

How to import or move fish for human consumption to the UK.

Guidance: Import animal by-products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from the EU to Great Britain

How to import or move animal by-products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain.

Guidance: Importing and exporting fresh fruit and vegetables

Rules for importing, exporting and moving fresh fruit and vegetables to, from and around the UK.

Guidance: Import composite products from the EU to Great Britain

Find out what a composite product is, and how to import or move composite products from the EU and Northern Ireland to Great Britain.