Official Statistics: United Kingdom Food Security Report 2021

The report sets out an analysis of statistical data relating to food security, fulfilling the duty in the Agriculture Act 2020 to present a report on food security to Parliament at least once every three years. The UKFSR examines past, current, and predicted trends relevant to food security to present the best available understanding of food security.

Closed consultation: Direct Payments to farmers: lump sum exit scheme and delinked payments

Seeking views on our proposals for a lump sum exit scheme and delinked payments.

News story: UK and EU reach agreement on fishing opportunities for 2022

The UK and EU reach agreement on catch limits for 2022, providing around 140,000 tonnes of fishing opportunities for the UK fleet.

Spectators at Matlock’s raft event urged to spare a thought for the environment

This year’s Matlock Bath Boxing Day raft event is looking likely to go ahead, dependent on government guidelines.

Policy paper: Fisheries: consultations between the UK and the EU

Written record of the annual fisheries consultations between the UK and the EU for 2022.