Guidance: Slaughter poultry, livestock and rabbits for home consumption

How you can legally kill your own pigs, sheep, goats, cattle, poultry, rabbits and hares to eat at home.

Guidance: Knacker’s yards and farms: restraining, stunning, killing animals

How to restrain, stun and kill animals which are not for human consumption.

Guidance: Red meat slaughterhouses: restraining, stunning, killing animals

Stunning pens, restraining boxes, captive bolt, gas and electrical stunning equipment, bleeding animals and restraining methods.

Guidance: Apply for funding to build border control posts for animal imports

How maritime ports and commercial operators in England can apply for funding from the Animal Biosecurity Infrastructure Fund to build border control posts for animal imports.

Guidance: Apply for funding to build border control posts for animal imports

How maritime ports and commercial operators in England can apply for funding from the Animal Biosecurity Infrastructure Fund to build border control posts for animal imports.