Solent plastic pollution hub launched for Hampshire litter pickers

An online initiative calling on Hampshire’s coastal and river communities to collect and record litter found across the Solent is now live.

Official Statistics: Historical statistical notices on Total Income from Farming for the regions of England

Previously published copies of the annual agricultural accounts for England, split down by region. This series replaces the regional element of the discontinued series ‘Agriculture in the English regions’.

National Statistics: Latest cattle, sheep and pig slaughter statistics

Monthly UK statistics on cattle, sheep and pig slaughter and meat production.

Official Statistics: Total income from farming for the regions of England

Annual agricultural accounts for England, split down by region. This series replaces the regional element of the discontinued series ‘Agriculture in the English regions’.

National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in the UK, 2021

Previously published copies of the monthly National Statistics publication on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in the UK.