Statutory guidance: Litter and refuse: code of practice

This code seeks to outline in more detail what might be considered by a court of law to be practicable on different types of land.

Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

Research: Avian influenza (bird flu) in Europe, Russia and in the UK

Preliminary and updated outbreak assessments for avian influenza (bird flu) in Europe, Russia and in the UK.

Guidance: Applying to set up a border control post at your port or airport

How to set up a border control post to receive animals, animal products, plants, plant products and wood.