Policy paper: Climate adaption reporting third round: Historic England and English Heritage Trust

Adaptation report to Defra by Historic England and English Heritage Trust. Part of the third round of the adaptation reporting process under the Climate Change 2008 Act.

Research: Climate adaption reporting third round: NATS (Air Traffic Control)

Adaptation report to Defra by NATS. Part of the third round of the adaptation reporting process under the Climate Change 2008 Act.

The Environment Agency starts public consultation on an environmental permit variation application for Barrow Shipyards, Cumbria.

The public consultation is in response to an application by BAE Systems Marine Ltd for Barrow Shipyards site in Cumbria.

Torquay fly-tipper ordered to clear up dumped waste in Devon

A man who spent 20 months dumping waste on a field has been given three months to clear up his mess.

Guidance: Coming to England for seasonal agricultural, horticultural work or pork processing

Advice for seasonal agricultural, horticultural workers and pork butchers coming to England to work on farms or processing sites or at slaughterhouses, and their employers.