Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

Decision: Neonicotinoid product as seed treatment for sugar beet: emergency authorisation application

The UK government issues, with strict conditions, emergency authorisation to use a product containing a neonicotinoid to treat sugar beet seed in England.

FOI release: Behavioural Insights Team – contracts with Defra – FOI2022/00840

Behavioural Insights Team – contracts with Defra.

Press release: Over half a million trees set to be planted in our towns, cities and countryside

Almost 680,000 trees will be planted in towns, cities and rural areas to increase access to nature and boost health and wellbeing.

Press release: Over half a million trees set to be planted in our towns, cities and countryside

Almost 680,000 trees will be planted in towns, cities and rural areas to increase access to nature and boost health and wellbeing.