National Statistics: England biodiversity indicators

A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services, Biodiversity indicators: 2021 assessment.

National Statistics: UK Biodiversity indicators

This release and publication report on UK progress towards meeting the biodiversity goals and targets ‘the Aichi targets’ agreed in 2010.

Guidance: Pet travel: approved air, sea and rail carriers and routes

Check the transport companies and routes you can use to bring your pet cat, dog or ferret to England, Scotland or Wales.

Leicestershire man made to pay for illegal fishing on River Trent

Angler found guilty of breaching Nottinghamshire fishing byelaws.

Suspended prison sentences for brothers who illegally stored waste at Shropshire site

The Environment Agency has successfully prosecuted two men who stored more than 26,000 cubic metres of waste illegally at a site on land next to the M54 motorway.