Policy paper: Bovine TB: UK Chief Veterinary Officer’s advice on early termination of badger disease control areas

The UK Chief Veterinary Officer’s advice on early termination intensive cull licences issued in 2021 and 2022 after 2 or 3 years.

Research: Bovine TB: hotspots in the Low Risk Area of England

Results from tuberculosis (TB) surveillance in hotspots of TB in the Low Risk Area of England.

Guidance: Basic Payment Scheme

Payments for farmers who carry out eligible agricultural activities, what you need to know and do before you can apply for an annual payment.

Guidance: Developers: get environmental advice on your planning proposals

How developers can get advice on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and applications for planning, permission in principle and technical details consent.

Policy paper: Independent review of protected site management on Dartmoor: government response

The government’s response to the recommendations of the independent review of protected site management on Dartmoor.